Attend the presentation on the ESE programmes and learn about ESE’s unique Educational Philosophy: “The Dream is the most real thing there is”.

Virtual Open Day Agenda:

  • Welcome to the European School of Economics
  • Fashion Workshop: Meet DressYouCan founder Caterina Maestro and CMO Priscilla Gennari
  • Learn more about the ESE Programmes (Internationality, Internship, Small Classes, Individual Attention)
  • Interact with ESE students and graduates
  • Q&A Session


The workshop

Sustainability and Innovation – a disruptive perspective in the Fashion Industry

Special guests: DressYouCan founder Caterina Maestro and CMO Priscilla Gennari.

Caterina and Priscilla will introduce the participants to the concept of sustainable Fashion, a true paradigm shift in this comolex industry, to then talk about their own successful experience with ESE’s students, coming from our own Smart Internship Program.

DressYouCan is a women’s fashion rental service that provides dresses, shoes and accessories both online and offline, with the aim of making fashion retail sustainable through a more circular model.



Save the date: Thursday 16th of July, 2020

About the European School of Economics
The European School of Economics is a private Business School accredited in the UK and in the order of listed bodies.
In the face of the current world-wide health situation the means and methods of delivering our underpinning philosophy are strongly reinforced and more relevant than ever.
Being a private Business School with a limited number of students accepted per programme, we can guarantee a maximum number of 12 students per class. We are therefore able to meet any social distancing rules, securing all our students by guaranteeing a totally safe environment.


We need schools of freedom, international, pragmatic and multicultural schools of economics and politics, which educate a new generation of leaders to harmonise the apparent age-long antagonisms: economics and ethics, action and contemplation, financial power and love. 
Only individuals can transform society. Only individuals can dream. ESE’s mission is to create a new generation of young entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, visionaries and pragmatic dreamers. 
We will continue to move forward expanding the School to create individual pathways of success for students all over the world.

Elio D’Anna, ESE Founder and President

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