Il Futuro del Lavoro: Approfondimenti dal Prossimo Career Summit
In un mercato del lavoro in continua evoluzione, comprendere le competenze richieste dai datori di lavoro e le...
Read moreSi parlerà di Economia del Benessere alla ESE di Firenze, martedì 19 novembre 2019 dalle 15.00 – 17.00. Andrea Pambianchi, Ceo di Fitness Network Italia e Cristiano Verducci, Responsabile del Dipartimento Wellness & WellBeing della ESE illustreranno dati, trends e opportunità di un settore dell’industria più importanti a livello mondiale.
Mentre Pambianchi farà una panoramica di quello che viene considerato il quinto settore in maggiore espansione al mondo (si parla di un’economia di 4,2 trilioni di dollari) e di come questa impatti le nostre vite personali e le aziende, Verducci nel presentare il nuovo dipartimento della ESE, parlerà del concetto di ‘BenEssere’ a tutto tondo, inteso come equilibrio tra Benessere ‘esteriore’ legato al fitness, alimentazione, salute e Ben-Essere interiore legato alla ‘persona’, all’attenzione e alla cura che si rivolgono a sé stessi in primis, al proprio mondo interiore, fatto di pensieri, emozioni, valori e soprattutto stati d’Essere.
Per confermare presenza:
The new Wellness & WellBeing Department at the European School of Economics in Florence takes inspiration from Elio D’Anna’s belief that “the healthier your ideas the wealthier your life and the world around you – Health is Wealth’. According to Elio D’Anna’s philosophy, there is a strong connection between individual well-being, health, success and prosperity of business and the economy. The mission of this department is to increase awareness regarding personal health and wellness among young people.
The financial and economic issues related to individual and work-related illness will be considered and you will learn how to integrate nutritional information, physical fitness, stress management, environmental sensitivity and self-responsibility. We will explore strategies to reduce fatigue, lower stress and heighten well-being and efficiency in order to shape a personal and professional environment. As future business leaders, you will learn how to structure business and corporate approaches to incorporate health promotion and wellness.
Combining these basic principles and ESE’s philosophy, the purpose of the ESE Wellness & WellBeing department is to provide a new approach to the wellness industry and economy, providing support (mentoring and coaching) and professional acumen to become visionary leaders, pragmatic managers or consultants, wellness professionals and most of all successful entrepreneurs in all fields of the global wellness and well-being market.
Hosts of the Seminar on Wellness & Wellbeing that is held on 19 November 2019 at ESE Florence will be Cristiano Verducci, Head of the Wellness and Wellbeing department at ESE Florence, and Andrea Pambianchi, Founder and CEO of Fitness Network Italia.
CRISTIANO VERDUCCI Graduated in Physical Education (degree in Sport Sciences) and specialized in fitness and wellness since 1990. As a Trainer, Consultant, Entrepreneur and Mentor, he is a specialist in Personal Energy Management for the health and well-being of individuals and organizations. Key supporter for Global Wellness Day Italy, he is the presenter of a new radio and social media format called: WELLness day & night©️. Project leader of innovative programmes and projects: MARCHEting®️, Rebound®️ Europe, Cellness©, Embodyment & Empowerment©, happYoga©, Mindfulness Meditation©, WWW (Welcome WellBeing Weekend). Founder of Jump 4 Joy Network®️and owner of the CRE@MORE®️company, that included the new local property MONTE LEONE Club House (Wellness Tourism & Community). ANDREA PAMBIANCHI |
In un mercato del lavoro in continua evoluzione, comprendere le competenze richieste dai datori di lavoro e le...
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