Il Futuro del Lavoro: Approfondimenti dal Prossimo Career Summit
In un mercato del lavoro in continua evoluzione, comprendere le competenze richieste dai datori di lavoro e le...
Read moreESE Founder and President Elio D’Anna with first year student Miss Lubona Chibwa at ESE Florence. Underlining ESE’s commitment to making a unique educational experience accessible for all accepted students, Lubona comes from Zambia and is the first recipient of the scholarship offered by ESE through the Justina Mutale Foundation.
The Justina Mutale Scholarship Programme is an Africa-wide initiative which aims to provide opportunities to academically talented young African women from underprivileged backgrounds in Africa, to pursue higher education at overseas institutions of learning around the world.
ESE Florence Campus Manager Anna Salvini was pleased to report that Lubona is ‘really smart, very ambitious and dynamic.” To all future ESE students remember – Your Dream is the Mark!
In un mercato del lavoro in continua evoluzione, comprendere le competenze richieste dai datori di lavoro e le...
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