Why Choose the European School of Economics – Milan Campus for Your Academic and Professional Future?
If you are looking for an international business school that offers not only academic excellence but also the chance to...
Read moreESE mission is to prepare a new generation of business economists and managers of international stature capable of facing and overcoming the great challenges of the modern sports industry... in order to help make sport a global school of truth, sincerity and beauty.
Elio d'Anna
Yesterday’s event to promote the Dual-Career at ESE Rome Campus was a huge success!
We would like to thank all the participants for taking part at this important event:
FIGC – Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio,
Federazione Italiana Badminton,
Federazione Italiana Hockey,
Federazione Italiana Sport Equestri,
Federazione Italiana Tennis
FIJLKAM – Federazione Italiana Judo Lotta Karate Arti Marziali Federazione Italiana Golf
Federazione Italiana Rugby
FIBS – Federazione Italiana Baseball Softball
Sport e Salute
Guardia di Finanza
Vigili del Fuoco
Special thanks go to Elena Pantaleo and Orazio Arancio, testimonials of successful stories of dual-career, Valter Borellini for virtually taking part in the event with the presentation of his book Life After sport, and to our exceptional partners, Sport Photography Museum and Il Bottaccio.
Giuseppe Cassano, Niccolò Donna, Giulio Massi, Federica Caratù, Monica Ciavarella, LAMBERTO CIGNITTI, Giampiero Curti, Paolo D’Alessio, Francesca Fabrizi, Amelia Fedeli, Giorgia Giglioni, angelo raffaele pisani, Roberto Quadri, Fabrizio Tropeano, Yannick Skender, Giorgio Minni and all the other participants, thank you!
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