As part of the Eredità delle Donne’ Festival, the organisation Lean In Florence, a global network aiming to help women to realise their ambitions and create a more equitable world, organises the event ‘The Rhythm of Female Empowerment‘ on Saturday 23 October 2021 at 18.00 at The Student Hotel Florence. 

The goal of the ‘Eredità delle Donne’ Festival, taking place in Florence from 22-24 October 2021, is to give a voice to female scientists, economists, writers, artists, politicians, activists and entrepreneurs, to raise awareness of their skills and competences, and to make a visible female contribution to human progress.

ESE Florence is proud to support the event on 23 October. Our third year Bachelor in Business & Marketing degree student Lubona Chibwa will be part of the panel and talk about her experiences and views on business as a female entrepreneur.

To participate in the free event ‘Il Ritmo dell’Empowerment Femminile‘ on Saturday 23 October at 18.00 at The Student Hotel Florence, please register via Eventbrite: Il Ritmo dell’Empowerment Femminile Biglietti, Sab, 23 ott 2021 alle 18:00 | Eventbrite


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