The mission of the European School of Economics is to guide its participants in the discovery and the realisation of their professional dreams through a personalised, formative path composed of study and practical experience.
We believe that anyone can realise their dreams and have the ability to do what they really love. ESE students therefor have the concrete opportunity to move proactively towards their professional goals and target their objectives through ESE’s extensive and competitive internship programmes.
The quality of the placement service is a result of the relationships that ESE has fostered with more then fifteen hundred leading international companies over the years. The internships are structured, evaluated and recognised as an integral part of the course of study and provide each student with the opportunity to spend a period of time in a work environment consistent with their chosen specialisation while developing a range of marketable skills and competencies.
Internships will furthermore allow students to:
-apply course knowledge in practical situations within the work environment
-bridge the gap between academic study and the labour market
-develop inner qualities and gain a practical understanding of the concept of individual responsibility, according to which external events are projections of one’s own inner state
-test individual career plans by obtaining experience in a chosen field, and thus helping one to better understand what it is that they really love to do
-develop a professional network and assess internship providers for future employment opportunities
The Internship Departments, present at every ESE centre, play a crucial role in assisting students to identify their objectives and learn how to exert their full potential. They provide personalised and challenging internship placements worldwide, including the following career development services:
Career Coaching and Workshops: one-on-one meetings with our Internship Department will help assess your skills and discover your uniqueness, talents and dreams. The Internship Department furthermore offers sessions on CV (Resume) writing, personal branding and preparation for the workplace, which include important soft skills such as effective communication and making presentations.
Guest Lectures and Networking opportunities: guest lectures from inspiring business professionals and case-studies from industry experts allow students to learn from and engage with managers and leaders from a variety of fields. Additional company visits and lessons ‘on location’ will furthermore enlarge their professional networks. The Career Days that are regularly organised at each ESE centre also offer students the opportunity to meet representatives from a range of local and international businesses.
ESE’s Company and Alumni network: through ESE’s partnerships with renowned companies worldwide and its distinguished alumni network, students have the chance to access business opportunities all over the world.
The smallest increase in your level of being, projects you as a giant in the professional world.
Elio D'Anna, ESE Founder and President
Locations and contact information