The European school of Economics believes that only the dream of an individual can change the world.
For generations educational institutions around the world have dedicated their every effort towards trying to teach “sustainable development” to the masses without having the smallest result, instead of focusing their work on the individual, on his vision, on his uniqueness.
The slightest change of man’s being moves mountains in the world of events.

Ivanna (Albania): MSc Business Management: Marketing

“What I particularly like about the UK system that we are in, is the focus on critical thinking.Professors really stimulate you to formulate your own opinions and ideas based on what we study, and to trust your own ideas. It helps you to grow, it reminds you to start from within, from your inner self. It’s just like the ESE President Elio D’Anna says: I have realised that everything is already in me…” Read full story

Sally (Lebanon): MSc Business Management: Marketing

“My experience as a Master degree student at ESE Florence so far has been amazing – I have no other words. The first term was a bit difficult for me to adapt to a new academic system and new city where I didn’t know anybody. Now I have made lots of international friends and created a life here in Florence. My favourite classes are the Marketing lessons with Prof. Musanti…” Read full story

Carol Kok (Brunei): Professional Short Course in Events Management

“My time at ESE Florence? Unforgettable! Taking the short course in Event Management was an amazing experience; the three months flew by too fast. It was about updating myself and prioritising personal growth, while humbly immersing in Florence’s college life, a long-awaited dream. My goal was to absorb diverse perspectives, garner new ideas, and find inspiration. The course comprised four modules; the entire experience exactly as I had envisioned…” Read full story

David Horbach (Netherlands) – MSc Business Management: Finance

“My previous Bachelor studies in Belgium were very theory and textbook-based, but the focus at ESE is much more on real-life case studies and practical insights. The Faculty all have impressive careers. Most of my professors have been working in high-end managerial positions in internationally renowned companies, so they can share their first-hand experience with us in class…” Read full story

Andrea Marino (Italy) – 3rd Year Bachelor Student

“Studying at ESE Milan has been a great experience, the university offers a wide range and variety of activities, including outdoors. Furthermore the guest speakers gave us a wonderful insight on their day to day activities and how we, as students, can improve in order to reach great results in life!

Charlotte Romano (Italy) – 3rd Year Bachelor Student

“Ese Milan campus not only gives you the opportunity to learn in an interactive way but also helps to immerge yourself into the reality of the work field. Thank to the Ese Milan staff we are able to meet many speakers that want to tell their working experience and give the best advices. Ese Milan campus becomes a family, not only they follow you in all your academical steps but they try to help you enjoy the best Milan life.

Beatriz Barroso (Portugal) – 2nd Year Bachelor Student

“Studying in ESE is a unique experience. It’s not only about having classes and having your degree. Here you have the chance to learn not only in class with great teachers but also the chance to visit many companies in many different areas to help you have a much clear view about the real business world, understand what you want to do your future and also creating a good  networking base.

Georgina Mondino (Argentina) – Entrepreneurship and Leadership Short Course

“My journey at the European School of Economics in Rome was beyond exciting!

Taking a short course here presented a possibility to live in the Eternal city like a local while learning from the best teachers, in a school that allowed me to meet new people on the Rome Campus but also remotely on the other campuses! It was truly a unique experience! Can’t believe it’s over.

Aleks (Armenia) – 1st year Bachelor student

“The European School of Economics feels more like a great family than just a University! It is useful to be able to talk with the staff members and all of the teachers for anything you need advice or help with, academic-related and not. This is greatly appreciated.

You feel supported and advised at any point of your educational path with ESE.”

Dean (Israel) – 2nd year Bachelor student

“ESE Florence has helped me figure out what I am good at, what my interests and talents are. Before joining the Bachelor degree in Business Administration, I travelled and worked for a few years in Israel, Australia and South America. I didn’t know exactly what to do other than studying business management. At ESE Florence I have truly found my passions: blockchain, crypto and Metaverse…” Read full story

Catalina Guerchi (Argentina) – Events Management Short Course

“A quite long journey drops me in Milano carrying a large bulk of feelings, although a heavy part of them, the fears, disappeared from the beginning. “Hi Catalina, we were expecting you!” said the broad smile of Margherita, Milan’s branch Students Affair. No doubt, right moment, right place, let´s begin!
Studying abroad is not a piece of cake, so many different issues are at stake. Luckily, at the beginning I got the feeling I could reckon on every single member of the ESE team, as they are caring and interested in you…” Read full story

Andrew – Management student testimonial

The course turned out to become a real eye-opener, I am very glad I did it. You can definitely learn a lot on the job, but taking an advanced level course was definitely beneficial to my personal and professional development. I’d strongly recommend other professionals to have this type of mid-career experience as well.” Read full story

Diogo Davide – MSc Student

“My experience as a Master student has been really great. I love the teaching methods of ESE Florence, it’s really different from my experience in Portugal. Professors here are so dedicated and the classes are smaller, which allows for 1-on-1 conversations with our lecturers and group discussions on topics of our interest. I feel free to talk, express my own theories and test business ideas with both my classmates and professors. The classes are like workshops – such a valuable way to learn! After graduating from my Bachelor in Management, I worked for…” Read full story

Ching Liang (Taiwan) – Marketing with focus on Fashion & Luxury

“I was looking for a short digital marketing related program to keep myself up to date in the enormous marketing world. I am so glad that I found the European School of Economics and that I’ve decided to study here. At the European School of Economics, I am supported and guided by professionals in the path of my career. My thoughts are valued and my questions are answered. I enjoy my time here.”

Kunal Kalkarni – International Business

“My experience at ESE Florence was unique, insightful and exceeded my expectations. Coming from a legal background, pursuing a short business course was new and challenging, but I learned more than I thought I would. Every single subject I took was relevant, not only because of the business theory, but also for the practical applications and cultural aspects we discussed. I see things in a new light now…” Read full story

Thespis, Canto & Business Course, Greece

Thespis, a young actor, singer and philosopher, successfully finished his course in business and canto (lyrical singing) at ESE Florence this spring. He has recently started his internship at ‘Festival Torre del Lago Puccini’. One of the most famous opera events in the world is hosted here every summer in the Puccini outdoor theatre, where the famous Italian composer Giacomo Puccini wrote his famous works including ‘Tosca’ and ‘Madame Butterfly’. Thespis will be collaborating with the organisation of various musical and artistic shows and exhibitions at Festival Puccini this summer, thus combining his passion for theatre and lyrical singing with business and management. Read full story

Sara Segat, Entrepreneurial Management and Leadership, Italy

“At the European School of Economics, I was welcomed with the opportunity to meet and be taught by several extremely inspiring, innovative, and well-affirmed professionals in various sectors. Apart from Music Management, I took classes ranging from International to Digital Marketing – both of which, by the way, is something I found out to be not only truly passionate about but also quite capable in – and from more business-oriented subjects (such as Decision-making) to more leadership-focused ones. The Entrepreneurial Management and Leadership class has been, in all probability, the most eye- and mind-opening experience of my entire life, without any exaggeration…” Read full story

Federico, MSc in Finance

“The biggest difference between studying in Italy or Germany, and studying at ESE is the British educational system, which I find extremely satisfactory. The grading system is tougher, but the exams are fair, and most importantly: we don’t just study theory, but we also learn how to apply it in real life. In previous experiences I just learned the theory by heart to perform well on exams, but then you forget most of it. ESE actually wants you to understand the topics and make sure you are able to apply that knowledge to actual business situations. They really focus on you as a person, on your personal development…” Read full story

Jerard Matthews Abad, MSc in Management

“I started with a short course in management, but soon I understood that I wanted to stay at ESE longer and learn more, so I decided to change my enrollment for the Master (MSc) degree in Management…” Read full story

Carlotta Carucci, MSc in Marketing

Carlotta Carucci graduated from the Master (MSc) degree in Marketing at ESE Florence in 2011. Coming from a literature degree, studying a postgraduate business programme was quite challenging for her at first. But soon her study experience at ESE Florence became life changing and her creative and humanistic background proved to be a great basis for a successful career in marketing. She recently celebrated the 7th anniversary of her digital marketing agency Vanilla Marketing, based in Ancona, Italy. Together with Carlotta we look back at her studies at ESE Florence and the successful first 10 years of her career.  Read full story

Cosimo, BSc Student

“The classes I liked most were the second year Operations Management and third year Strategy and Strategic Dilemmas, mainly because of both professors who were very good at explaining the theory with real-life business examples, making it much more dynamic and real. They have a lot of valuable business contacts and connections and an ample experience to learn from. But actually, all professors have been very good, professional and always available, both in class and outside class. Professors are real advisors for internships and job opportunities, that is very valuable…” Read full story

Nohamein Hayal Kassa, BSc, Ethiopia

“When I first arrived at ESE, I was filled with mixed emotions: I was super excited, nervous, happy. I couldn’t express how I felt. It’s a feeling that many college students experience, I would say the “roller coaster feeling” when you are off to college.” Moving to Milan, in a new city with new people; the city of fashion , food , art it was truly an amazing journey of my life. Nevertheless, ESE did not disappoint. ESE was very welcoming. Studying in Milan has been an incredible experience…” Read full story

Niccolò, BSc, Italy

“I really like this type of education: it’s practical and pragmatic. You don’t only study theory, but you learn how to manage real business issues. It helps you to understand how business works in the real world. I also enjoy the type of assignments, which are often projects for written essays or group research. I learn a lot more from them than just from written exams….” Read full story

Barkin Altun, BSc, Turkey

“I am really glad I joined ESE – it offers a truly personal education. Professors help you in directing you towards your career goals and professional dreams, which is significant for young people. When I started my Bachelor degree programme with ESE Florence in September 2017, I had no idea about my future. But meeting the professors, who are themselves business owners and managers, has been helpful in learning more about different options and opportunities…” Read full story

Vladimir Andryukin – Alumni success story

“ESE gave me a wider view on business and taught me how to recognise opportunities and make the most out of them. Being able to transfer between campuses while following the same programme was a great opportunity to travel, meet more people and gain experience. The best thing for me was also the fact that the teachers were active business professionals, so we not only had a chance to discuss theory, but also put it into practice. I remember having intense discussions with a number of lecturers during class, especially in Economics, which gave me confidence and allowed me to better understand the matter. Our questions and opinions were never rejected. Our professors were always up for a conversation and were happy to share their experience…” Read full story

Matthias Hacker (Germany) – MSc Student

“What sets ESE apart is its commitment to balancing academic rigor with real-world practicality. The flexibility of their schedule allowed me to pursue my career path while fulfilling my academic responsibilities. From the beginning, the focus on practical learning was evident as we engaged in projects and case studies that sharpened our problem-solving skills. The fact that all the professors were industry experts actively working in their respective fields added immense value to our education. Learning from their direct experience and insights into the industry’s evolving landscape provided us with invaluable knowledge. Moreover, ESE’s dedication to career preparation went above and beyond. They offered comprehensive workshops for developing soft and hard skills and facilitated introductions to potential employers, encouraging us to apply and pursue exciting opportunities. Overall, ESE’s holistic approach to education and career development has equipped me with the skills and experiences necessary to thrive in my chosen field.

Dia Akram Salih (Iraq) – Entrepreneurship and Leadership Short Course

“Back when I was a kid, I have always dreamed of coming to Europe and so growing up with the fact that I am an Iraqi passport holder made me think that “me going to Europe” will only be staying as a dream for me.

For the past 3 years I wanted to find an academic Short course in Europe in English and doesn’t require other languages for the application; The last October 2022 it was that one morning that with one internet research I was one click away to make my all-time dream come true! I found the European school of Economics website during my search and it showed me their Rome Campus. I looked into their different departments and different courses they had and so I chose “Entrepreneurship and leadership” as my course which said it’s 12 weeks meaning it’s going to last 3 months.
 I had this wonderful chance to finally make my dream true, going to Rome, studying there what I was passionate about. I have finished the most incredible magical and unforgettable three months of my entire life with also not staying only in Rome and having the chance to see with unbelievable joy in my heart and tears in my eyes, with the certification in my hand I want to finish this by saying dream big and have strong faith and desire for it inside your heart, this way I promise it will come true sooner or later! Can’t wait to be back one day! Thank you.

ESE Empowering Talents:

Since our foundation, we believe in cultivating and empowering the true dreamers among the Alumni who choose us: we guide them in their inner journey from the very first step they take in one of our centers, throughout their first internship and even after their academic career comes to an end.

Believing that the true revolution must come from within is the core of our Philosophy and it’s what inspired our LinkedIn Campaign called ESE – EMPOWERING TALENTS.

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