“When I first arrived at ESE, I was filled with mixed emotions: I was super excited, nervous, happy. I couldn’t express how I felt. It’s a feeling that many college students experience, I would say the “roller coaster feeling” when you are off to college.” Moving to Milan, in a new city with new people; the city of fashion , food , art it was truly an amazing journey of my life.
Nevertheless, ESE did not disappoint. ESE was very welcoming. Studying in Milan has been an incredible experience. I am beyond grateful to meet all of the staff, lecturers, and classmates from the various backgrounds we all come from. The possibility to share our experiences and learn from each other has been eye-opening for me. Learning a language can be difficult, but it is also extremely rewarding. I have also enjoyed each of my classes. It has assisted me in broadening my interpersonal skills through various activities and experiences in business, as well as having the chance to interact with different groups of people to learn from their business insights, such as Guest Speakers, we have during our class. Fortunately, they have all been informative and inspiring.
Exploring going to different offices and hotels, related to our course was something interesting for me. I have always been interested in discovering and learning new things through observing, exploring and practically. I love the fact that I was able to put what I had learned into practice. Working as an intern at the British Chamber of Commerce was also one of the best moments I’ve had with smart working. I have been able to see myself from various perspectives, whether working virtually or in the workplace. Being an ESE student, not only prepared me for my career, however, it also provided general knowledge and introduced me to real-life situations.
Especially the different projects in which I have been able to participate at school, such as the Siamo Jedi – a collaboration with Forbes and Il sole 24 ore, Leg GranMag Observatory, and being one of the chosen participants was wonderful opportunity. Striving to work with teammates who ESE wholeheartedly accommodates and who also share a similar mindset has helped me demonstrate the power of different perspectives before creating my own assumptions. As an international student with a diverse background, many people from back home have questioned why I chose to study in Milan. I never hesitated to share my story and experience because I understand how they feel when it comes to selecting universities based on considering the education system, services, financial assistance, accommodation, etc. Today representing ese and sharing my story and being an inspiration to young enthusiastic international students was influential. I am confident that ESE will provide these young individuals with the best opportunities. I believe that throughout my two years of experience, I have taken a step forward in pursuing my career. Visualizing myself growing into a better version was the biggest energy. I couldn’t have asked for a better community, and I highly appreciate everyone. I’m going to miss Milan so much. Milan will have a huge place in my heart. Can’t wait to see my next chapter of journey that ESE has for me. I am glad I still chose ESE.“
Nohamein Hayal Kassa