“I’m Thespis, I am originally from Greece and I study the short course programme ‘Canto & Business’ at ESE Florence, an interesting combination.
I think it is kind of rare to find a place where I can combine education in all these elements that will bring me closer to my dream. This is why I really like this place, because at its core it’s all about what is your dream.
I am a Dreamer myself, and when reading Elio D’Anna’s book ‘The School for Gods’ there was an immediate click inside me. I felt I needed to go and study at this School and here I am now, having a lovely time!
ESE is a very special School, a special environment. Personally, I do not believe in an ideal educational system. I believe that wherever you are you can get the best out of it or you can complain about it. But this special School for Gods I think is an ideal place for whoever wants to get to know themselves from the inside and let their dream be revealed. It is so nice to have people around that can back up that dream. That’s what I really enjoy.” Thespis
Thespis, a young actor, singer and philosopher, successfully finished his course in business and canto (lyrical singing) at ESE Florence this spring. He has recently started his internship at ‘Festival Torre del Lago Puccini’. One of the most famous opera events in the world is hosted here every summer in the Puccini outdoor theatre, where the famous Italian composer Giacomo Puccini wrote his famous works including ‘Tosca’ and ‘Madame Butterfly’. Thespis will be collaborating with the organisation of various musical and artistic shows and exhibitions at Festival Puccini this summer, thus combining his passion for theatre and lyrical singing with business and management.
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